Я покопался(в основном на Реддите) и нашел, кто такая Мэнди Лонг:
>megajack12: So I noticed at the end it's dedicated to a person named mandy long. Can anyone please tell me who that is please. Other then that this was a good episode and gives more development to the banana guards.
>2718281828: I found the image and a twitter account with the same name(https://twitter.com/supermandy24). That's all I know.
Edit: She seems to be Amanda Long.
Amanda Long (affectionately called "Mandy" by close friends and family)
She was a goofy, artistic friend who loved watching "Adventure Time" and playing with her dog.
Rest in peace, Mandy.(https://twitter.com/BRZooCrew/status/647382816783736832)
>DR-DOS: That twitter account mentions bananas in its five tweets: "#bananaboat is sad. Like really sad. #banana #boat #character https://instagram.com/p/3CAzRISreo/"
>Я: Судя по всему, она была одной из немного странноватых художниц с богатым воображением и внутренним миром, она - БананаГард-16. Осенью прошлого года она покинула нас из-за рака мозга.
>megajack12: So I noticed at the end it's dedicated to a person named mandy long. Can anyone please tell me who that is please. Other then that this was a good episode and gives more development to the banana guards.
>2718281828: I found the image and a twitter account with the same name(https://twitter.com/supermandy24). That's all I know.
Edit: She seems to be Amanda Long.
Amanda Long (affectionately called "Mandy" by close friends and family)
She was a goofy, artistic friend who loved watching "Adventure Time" and playing with her dog.
Rest in peace, Mandy.(https://twitter.com/BRZooCrew/status/647382816783736832)
>DR-DOS: That twitter account mentions bananas in its five tweets: "#bananaboat is sad. Like really sad. #banana #boat #character https://instagram.com/p/3CAzRISreo/"
>Я: Судя по всему, она была одной из немного странноватых художниц с богатым воображением и внутренним миром, она - БананаГард-16. Осенью прошлого года она покинула нас из-за рака мозга.
Или не совсем.