Adventure Time: The Movie (Live-Action 4K Trailer) | Gritty Reboots,Entertainment,,Years later when magic in the Land of Ooo begins to fade, Finn and Jake must embark on one mommy of an adventure to save their world. Subscribe for more Gritty Reboots! Follow us on Twitter: [https://twitter.com/Cinesaurus] Like us on Facebook: [https://www.facebook.com/Cinesaurus] Produced by Cinesaurus [http://www.cinesaurus.com] Follow the Gritty Reboots Team on Twitter! Steven [https://twitter.com/hudsonfilm] Zimm [https://twitter.com/davidzimm] David [https://twitter.com/DubHud] Gabe [https://twitter.com/gabrobot] Robert [https://twitter.com/Rob_Speewack] Music & Sound by Hexany Audio [http://www.hexanyaudio.com] Music by Andy Forsberg Audio Director: Richard Ludlow Sound Designer: Matthew Earl Mixer: Juan Cortés Arango Additional VFX: Kial Natale [http://youtube.com/Megasteakman] Props by: Nick Nielsen [http://nicknsuch.com] Production Assistant: Shelby Allman [http://instagram.com/shelallman] Peppermint Butler 3D model by Cheesecake Weasel Studios [http://www.cheesecake-weasel.com/] CAST Finn: Joe Homes [http://twitter.com/Plus2Joe] Jake (Voice): Chris Parker [http://twitter.com/chrstphrprkr] Jake Mo-Cap: Forest Gibson [http://twitter.com/forestgibson] Princess Bubblegum: Kristina Horner [http://twitter.com/KristinaHorner] Ice King: Steven Hudson [http://twitter.com/hudsonfilm] Lemongrab (Voice): Brad Walker [http://talent.tpsonline.org/?M=6330] BMO: Kiri Callaghan [http://twitter.com/kiricallaghan] Flame Princess: Brigid Lohman [https://www.facebook.com/Birghita13] Marceline: Tara Theoharis [http://twitter.com/geekyhostess] PRESS: info@cinesaurus.com
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